
A Guide To Purchasing A Sewing Machine

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Have you wondered what kind of sewing machine I would use if I didn't use my industrial sewing machine? I decided to give you a few tips on what I would look for in purchasing a home sewing machine. These are my preferences and I understand there are many differing opinions out there.

Here are the brands that I stand by when recommending a machine to a friend:

Bernina - https://www.bernina.com/en-US/Home-United-States?gclid=CjwKCAiA8Jf-BRB-EiwAWDtEGtiiFTTSMsT0ZrQFyBNqvZqStoySvtsRVC-B9DEci0wV5e2uFR_e-BoC3P0QAvD_BwE-

Babylock - https://babylock.com/?gclid=CjwKCAiA8Jf-BRB-EiwAWDtEGvMpFxH-JsPG328-9JO1YZO1wXTX8vTL4n3COWOPYcVZ9s2tlefnWRoCXGUQAvD_BwE

- Juki Sewing Machines

- Feather weight sewing machines
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