
Digimon Cyber Sleuth Start, Episode 43: The Story is Preventing Me

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After Arata-kun uses his hacking skills to put the "deleted" data in Kowloon, we head off to scan it, leaving our informant to the mercies of the florist(?), who may just be our aspiring manga-ka that's disappearing their critics.

A quick dash through Kowloon Level 1 finds the data... at the very end. Which is kind of annoying, but at least I could bypass encounters with my special ability. After scanning the data in quesiton, we are attacked by a Wisemon, who might be our manga-ka instead. After beating on it for a bit, it flees and we have to chase it down in Akihabara, where we come across our second labyrinth, and the sinister scientist Suedou once again.

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