
How to Grow Your Florist Business Audience and Influence in 2021

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We finally made it to 2021, Yay. Now it's all about how to grow your florist business audience and influence in the new year.

For many professional florists, the internet rather blew up, and many small businesses experienced amazing growth. The hard part for many was not exactly being prepared for it. Now that the new year has started, we have the opportunity to take control of our businesses, direct where and how we want them to develop, and use the power of the internet to do it.

Creating video content for social media, and also YouTube is one of the fastest ways to grow your Audience and influence as a floral professional. Creating a new version of your business plan with some new goals that include video marketing for florists will help you on your journey.

So if you're ready let's get started.

I'm Frank Blanchard AIFD and I'm looking forward to helping you create a business and career in the floral industry.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/frankblanchardaifd

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/frankblanchard_aifd/
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